Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I don't know how to express the way I feel today, I have been watching some videos of Milton Friedman and it seems to me that there was an intellectual honesty that existed in an earlier time in this country but it was lost and reason and common sense were co-victims of its demise. Some would argue that prior times were more barbaric and more people were victims of oppression and bias whether by skin color, gender, sexual orientation or any other difference society could find. I would argue that it is worse today. I know that sounds a bit rash and maybe it is but that is how I feel things truly are.
 Have you ever been to Japan? Its a very beautiful country, I swear Tokyo is cleaner than any city I have ever seen and every person you meet on the street seems willing to help. The people of every business greet you with a smile and even when you are doing something wrong they are very polite about letting you know but after a very short period of time you realize that its a show. every smile every "welcome" every "please" its all fake you start to feel like you might prefer it if someone said "oh great its that guy again" or "hey don't do that!" its like everyone knows what is meant but no one is going to say it
I feel like American society is even worse than that, like we watch the news and study for college but we skip over the plain and simple truths that are staring us in the face. Any honest person that has moved out of their parents basement knows that the debt in this nation is out of control. Any simpleton could explain to you that when you spend more than you make it ends badly and yet we have a congress that is raising the debt ceiling every few months and a federal reserve that it printing no less than $85 billion every month and everywhere you look we are hearing about how the future is looking brighter.
We make laws for pay equality for women or for hiring a minimum number of minority races and then laud our lack of sexism and racism. We solve the problems of government mismanagement by increasing the scope and size of government and every time we find that poor people are getting poorer we solve it by throwing more of other peoples money their way.
If you want to stop racism stop making peoples race a focus point!
If you want to solve unemployment stop making it more expensive for companies to do business and employ workers!
If you want poor people to stop mismanaging money stop giving it to them for free!
If your goal is to have a self sufficient country stop getting into debt!
America is looking more and more like Rome with every passing day, people have convinced themselves that someone else will take care of the problems and that the every day citizen is not obligated to monitor the government, that the professionals have it all handled. We don't need to be actively engaged, we focus on our family and our church or our school activities and let more qualified people handle government.
We the people have lost sight of our true role, our true responsibility and we are loosing touch with the principals that made the greatest nation on earth.

The saddest part of it all is that many people see the what  is happening and they don't care enough to change it, we accept it as our lot for past sins and convince ourselves that it has to be this way.

If we were really honest with ourselves we would admit that barbarism has only taken on a kinder face and that progress has been one step forward two steps back since the early 1900's.

Our lack of interest in preserving freedom is the true reflection of our compassion for our fellow man.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

What now?

So today's headlines are all about George Zimmerman and how he was found not guilty, I don't know whether he was guilty of murder or not but it does seem to be a great topic on which to divide a nation. Every comment I have read so far is either in love with Trayvon or in defense of Zimmerman for no other reason than to stand behind gun rites, STOP IT!
What happened to blind justice? are we the people that should be deciding peoples fate through the scope of a biased media? Are we really so sure as a people that our court systems will not provide justice? Maybe I am lost here but I thought that you got your day in court for anything that you have done and if that court finds you innocent appeals may be made but in the end our system makes the final verdict and america stands behind that. I personally think that O.J. Simpson got away with murder but I think that if I had started a riot to try and exact justice it would have been more harmful to civilization than setting a murderer free.

I think we are getting new and more varied ways to polarize this nation every day, the media does its best to push an agenda and the masses are moved by its efforts. And whats worse is the fact that the president just came out with a statement that helps that agenda while at the same time furthers his.

Every year that passes only strengthens my belief that common sense is dead and his mistress Reason has long since fled the scene of the crime.